Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Lab Notebook Grade Rubric

One out of every three labs will be graded using the following grade rubric.

Rubric Link

Lab Notebook Instructions

Please use the following instructions in order to direct you in setting up your laboratory notebooks.

Notebook Instruction Link

Thursday, August 14, 2014

AP Chemistry workbook

The book that you need to purchase is the 2015 AP Chemistry All Access by REA. The ISBN for this book is:  978-0-7386-1153-2.  It can be pre-ordered on Amazon.com, and it will be sent immediately.  This is the cheapest way to purchase this book.  I will also put together a class order on the second day of school.   

There is also an AP Chemistry Crash Course workbook (ISBN: 978-0-7386-1154-9) that you may want to get to help study in the spring.  Both are fairly inexpensive compared to other review books.